How to configure the settings in my project?

Create a .vscode folder in the root of project. Inside of .vscode folder create a json file named settings.json. Inside of the settings.json, type following key-value pairs. By the way you’ll get intelli-sense.

    "liveServer.settings.port": 4500,
    "liveServer.settings.root": "/src",
    "liveServer.settings.CustomBrowser" : "chrome",
    "liveServer.settings.AdvanceCustomBrowserCmdLine": "chrome --incognito --remote-debugging-port=9222",
    "liveServer.settings.NoBrowser" : false,
    "liveServer.settings.ignoreFiles" : [


Note: Use either CustomBrowser or AdvanceCustomBrowserCmdLine setting.

How to use Live Server Web Extension?

How to setup Live Server for Dynamic Pages (like PHP)?

How to access the server from Mobile?

First, make a sure that your PC & Mobile are connected through same network.

And note down the IPv4 Address (probably it will look like 192.168.xx.xx). This is your PC’s IP address. Enter the address to your browser’s URL Bar with the port number**.

    http://<IP Address> : <Port>

** For an example, if your server running at http:// on PC then port number is 3500.

Are Multi-root workspaces supported?

Currently there is no support for multi-root workspaces. It’s automatically the first folder in the workspace choosen. The current state of this issue you can track here.